Jackie Yang
12:19 PM
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Rafi Mansoor
12:21 PM
Yeah, saw that earlier. Did you see the email they sent to everyone?
Rafi Mansoor
12:24 PM
And he dropped that take care at the end. Ooph. 🔥👌🏾
Jackie Yang
1:15 PM
What is that all about??
All because of one article?
Rafi Mansoor
1:24 PM
Must have something to do with this also...
Screen Shot 2022-03-30 at 1.23.11 PM.png
Jackie Yang
1:27 PM
Rafi Mansoor
1:33 PM
Seriously though, I would definitely lay low for a while. This is the most serious I have seen them since I’ve been here and not to make you paranoid or anything but they might already be on your case because of the laptop.
Jackie Yang
1:34 PM
Got it, thanks Mom.
Rafi Mansoor
1:36 PM
Rafi Mansoor
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Episode 5